Child Therapy
It takes years for children to learn to verbally communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs. Even many adults today struggle with their communication skills. Children communicate the best way they know how, which is through their play. It is hard to believe that when a child is down on the floor zooming cars around, playing house or with babies, they are communicating. Child play is the universal language of children. Child Therapist’s study through academia, as well as direct observation, direct practice, supervision and attend many trainings. Angie is currently in the process of obtaining professional credentialing through the Association for Play Therapy for her Registered Play Therapist (RPT). Additionally, she looks forward to in the future providing Parental Capacity/Attachment Assessments.
Individual, Family, Couple Therapy
Individual and families work much like a solar system that remains on a continuous surrounding orbit. Thus, System’s Theory is one of the best theories to work through individual, couples and family therapy. If one item in the system comes to make a change, the whole solar system is changed. Imagine for a minute a meteor moves and crashes into another, an explosion occurs. Much like in couples and families, if one member becomes physically or mentally ill, the family system can occur turmoil. Angie offers experienced outpatient counseling services to members of families whether there are 1 or 10 members. By using System’s Theory, together we can work through how the family or individual was, what’s occurring presently and work toward a brighter future.

Trauma Therapy
Trauma can occur to most anyone who has felt that their life or someone else’s life is at risk of death or severe injury. It can occur when an extreme event happens such as car wrecks, falls, work accidents, the unexpected death of a loved one through a tragic event. Trauma is different for everyone. At Child & Family Therapy Associates, empathic care, trauma focused, and empirical evidenced treatment is used to help those suffering from traumatic events that have caused Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The use of Trauma-Focused CBT activities is mostly utilized for treatment, along with other modalities that are client or child-focused.
Other Services Offered
Video Skype Session
Video counseling at self-pay rate.
Attachment Work
Strength's based with specific training in Attachment & childhood development. Enjoy working with children & parents of all ages, including resistant populations. I am one of the few local therapist who see children ages 2 to 7. Also Theraplay trained.
*SASSI - Adult & SASSI - Adolescents
Parental Education
Educating birth and foster parents about the children they are caring, which may be under such circumstances of prior domestic violence, sexual trauma, severe physical abuse and/or neglect; emotional abuse; as well as Attachment issues. Additionally, educating parents on Autism Spectrum Disorder, along with behaviors the child may exhibit.
Certified Moral Reconation Therapist (MRT). MRT is a therapeutic modality that teaches individuals to realize & understand their moral compass, and work to improve their skills. In 2018, I plan on offering groups for youth & adult in specific areas of Substance Abuse & Relapse, Anger Mgmt, and Sexual Offending.
Expert Testimony
- Will attend court
- Will write Court Letters of Recommendation
- Will provide Client Summary’s.
*Additional rates will apply